Last week, I discussed how people choose to cope with hearing loss. Although every person goes through their own process of coming to terms with hearing loss, there are generalities that can be made about people’s coping strategies. Likewise, family members also...
A Brief Introduction to the class The Complete Class Replay Take 60 minutes to watch Betty’s HEARING HAPPINESS Class if you answer YES to any of these questions: 1) Is your hearing problem causing problems in your family? 2) Do you feel misunderstood by...
Do you want to hear and understand the best you can? Of course, you do! So does your family. But a lot of people who seek help for hearing loss are disappointed with the results of the hearing aids they buy. That’s why I want you to know that when you choose Avalon...
What is Normal for You? You are not alone. Hearing loss affects one in ten Americans. Your hearing loss not only affects you but it also impacts your loved ones. Because most hearing losses come on very gradually, family members are often the first to recognize...
How are you? Truly, how are YOU? Just when you think it could not get any crazier in our world, it does. So much is going on; so much no longer feels normal. Will we ever return to a simpler, safer and more peaceful time? Resilient people make the best of crazy...
Dear Friend of Avalon, Just when we think that things could not get crazier, they do. It feels that we are having a dark night of the soul, collectively. Sometimes I feel angry. Frequently, I feel afraid. Most of the time, I feel anxious and downright, weary. But what...
The Confusing Thing About Hearing Loss Over the past few weeks, we have received numerous calls from people who did not purchase their hearing care or their hearing aids from Avalon. Some of these people ‘fired’ their hearing care provider but most of them simply did...
Ten years ago, this month, we moved our practice from the Hurley Way side of the building to the Fulton Avenue side. Now, that was an interesting move…literally walking boxes and furniture around the building! Only the massive sound booths had to be...
My closest friend, Patricia, became a grandmother in October 2019. Her first grandchild arrived unexpectedly, six weeks early, and despite his tiny size, he was healthy. Thank goodness! Fast forward ten months, Patricia recently described her grandson’s attempts at...