This past week, I put on my running shoes and walked four times. I walked when I was tired. I walked when my knees hurt, and I felt stiff. I walked when the sunlight beckoned me outdoors. I walked by myself and I walked with a friend. I also walked into my doctor’s...
The Aging Process My Mom says, “Age is just a number they pin on you. It doesn’t mean a thing.” I think to myself that it doesn’t mean a thing unless we put meaning on the age we are. I’m curious. What comes to mind when you contemplate your age? That number that...
They say that if you want to sell something, put ‘sexiness’ into your advertising. I never thought I would see ‘sex’ come to hearing aids. Being in the hearing healthcare field for over 40 years (I started when I was 12 years old! 😉), I’ve noticed a trend. ...
Have you or someone you know said these words? If you ever find yourself saying these words, you may be protecting yourself from feeling embarrassed about your hearing. “You hear what you want to hear.” You just don’t catch all the words. Other than having slight...
I love how clients describe their hearing loss. “My hearing sounds FOGGY.” “It’s like people are talking through a wet towel.” “Life sounds blurry and out of focus.” “It’s a lot like trying to look through a dirty window.” These descriptions of hearing loss made me...
Chickens may unlock a cure for hearing loss one day. They (and some other birds) can regrow the tiny, hair-like nerve cells in their inner ears after injury. Scientists at Stanford University are studying chickens in hopes of restoring human hearing in the future. But...