The average American waits seven to ten years before getting the help they need for their hearing loss. Countless misunderstandings occur. Communication breaks down. Frustration escalates. Relationships suffer. Precious time is lost. Each and every person has to go...
A few weeks ago I tested a woman who had worn hearing aids for over 20 years. She was getting ready to invest in her fifth set of hearing instruments yes, her fifth set. She had come to me for a second opinion. First, we did a Lifestyle Assessment to learn about her...
Meet Henry. Henry’s hearing loss was discovered at the age of 57. He was fitted with hearing aids and wore them part-time for about two years. They helped him in quiet listening situations but were a real bother to wear in noisy situations. And that’s where he had...
You hear well. In fact, you hear what you want to hear. You just don’t catch all the words. Other than having slight difficulty in noisy settings or at a distance, you hear people. If only they would stop mumbling, everything would be fine. Right? Wrong! In the...
You have been to your hearing healthcare provider and determine that you are indeed a candidate for hearing aids. Your aids have been picked out, and now you are waiting for them to return. You can typically wait for 12-24 days for custom made aids and ear molds to...
The Starkey Listening Instrument Company makes six versions of devices to meet the needs of its customers. Hearing loss sufferers are afflicted with varying degrees of the condition. Grades are typically described as mild, moderate, and severe with several crossover...
Starkey Wi Series™ hearing aids are designed to deliver two major benefits. Not only can you can use your advanced wireless Wi Series hearing aids as headphones and stream TV and music audio directly into your hearing instruments, but they will also help you...
According to the Better Hearing Institute (BHI), consumers who purchase over-the-counter, one-size fits-all hearing aids instead of consulting a hearing healthcare professional, run the risk of missing an underlying medical problem. Why? Because hearing loss is...
This holiday season give the hearing impaired adults in your life a book that will help them realize that they are not alone in their struggles with hearing loss. You won’t have to anguish over what to buy for them. And who knows, maybe next year, hearing aids...
Recently, I met a man who had worn hearing aids for four years. We’ll call him George. George was deeply resigned because he still had to work extremely hard to understand a conversation. When in a social gathering with more than four people, he tended to withdraw...