Starkey Wi Series™ hearing aids are designed to deliver two major benefits. Not only can you can use your advanced wireless Wi Series hearing aids as headphones and stream TV and music audio directly into your hearing instruments, but they will also help you...
According to the Better Hearing Institute (BHI), consumers who purchase over-the-counter, one-size fits-all hearing aids instead of consulting a hearing healthcare professional, run the risk of missing an underlying medical problem. Why? Because hearing loss is...
Recently, I met a man who had worn hearing aids for four years. We’ll call him George. George was deeply resigned because he still had to work extremely hard to understand a conversation. When in a social gathering with more than four people, he tended to withdraw...
For some people with serious hearing loss, hearing aids just aren’t enough. Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) allow these people to understand speech in situations where their hearing aids aren’t enough. The holidays are a time when families and friends get together...
Every week I meet someone who invested in hearing aids, hoping to solve some of their communication problems, only to become frustrated and disgusted that they ever tried hearing aids in the first place. It doesn’t have to be that way for you. Did you know that one...