Good for Your Bear How many hours per day do you wear your hearing aids?
I find myself asking this question often, now that we all live in this altered world of the pandemic. Clients have differing answers, but what I’ve been hearing lately deeply concerns me. More and more, people are wearing their hearing aids on a part-time basis. Wearing your hearing aids part-time, means that you are living with UNTREATED hearing loss most of the time. That’s not good for you, your overall health, or your relationships.

Here’s what people say about why they only wear their hearing aids, part-time
“I wear my hearing aids when I watch TV at night.”
“I live by myself, so I only put my hearing aids in when I go out.”
“It’s just my wife and me at home, so I don’t really need them.”
“My hearing really isn’t that bad, so I haven’t been wearing them much lately.”

This is NOT music to my ears
Properly-fitted hearing aids are like exercise machines for your brain and for your ears. ‘Properly fitted’ means they match your current hearing loss and your lifestyle needs. Only then can you appreciate hearing aids. The more you wear them, the more you are exercising those important body parts. Please be sure to wear your hearing aids for a minimum of 8 hours per day; 10 to 12 hours per day is even better!

Why is Wearing Hearing Aids Good for Your Bear

Wear Your Hearing Aids To Exercise Your Brain
Do you need a quick refresher course?
At Avalon, we take an EDUCATIONAL approach to your hearing care. The sooner you start stimulating your hearing, the better that is for your mental, emotional and physical health. Investing in hearing aids and only wearing them part-time is a lot like buying a stationary bike, and then using it as a clothes rack. Confession time: I once bought a rowing machine and all it did was collect dust. Now, I regret that I did not get into the habit of using it daily.

What inspires you to wear hearing aids?
Here’s a true story that happened just last week. I took Rhonda (age 69) back to my test room and asked her, “How many hours per day do you wear your hearing aids?” She replied, “I put them in as soon as I get ready for the day, and I don’t take them out until I go to bed. I guess about 14 hours per day.” This was music to my ears! I then connected her hearing aids to my computer and checked the DATA LOG which tracks how many hours, on average, you wear your hearing aids. Rhonda was close. She was averaging 15 hours per day! I congratulated her on exercising her brain and her ears for 15 hours per day, to which Rhonda explained.

Why Rhonda wears her hearing aids, full-time, every day.
“My mother, Dorothy, rarely wore her first set of hearing aids. She didn’t think that her hearing was really that bad. Several years later, as her hearing got worse, her mental abilities also got worse. When she finally decided she needed hearing aids, it was hard for her to adjust to them. She had a hard time understanding conversations, even with the hearing aids on. Mom ended up with dementia, and I personally believe that not wearing hearing aids contributed to her memory loss.

I swore to myself that I was not going to be like my mother. She was an amazing woman in so many ways, but her life got too small, too fast because she refused to wear her hearing aids, except on Sundays, when she went to church.”

That’s why I came to you as soon as I noticed a change in my hearing. I got hearing aids to wear, every day, all day long. I don’t want to add to my chances of getting dementia because I didn’t take care of my hearing.”

New Hearing Aids

Rhonda learned an important lesson from her mother.
People often inspire us to do something different. Other times, we learn something and try to apply it to our lives. But we’re only human and may forget. I personally like to make word associations to remember important things. Let’s have some fun and create a way to remember the importance of wearing hearing aids every day (for a least 8 hours).

Think about a BEAR, a Teddy BEAR that you could hold
Can you picture yourself holding a teddy bear? Go ahead, take a moment and imagine yourself hugging that teddy bear. And then, imagine that wearing hearing aids is good for your B.E.A.R!


Wearing your hearing aids is good for your B.E.A.R.
I know it’s a bit corny, but hopefully, it will inspire you to wear hearing aids. If for any reason you don’t like your hearing aids, or you don’t have hearing aids, would you please schedule an appointment with Avalon so that we can help your Brain, Ears And Relationships? The next time you come in for a regular check-up, ask us to look up how many hours per day you wear your hearing aids. It may surprise you!

Make An Appointment

Betty Vosters-Kemp

Yours for CONNECTED Hearing & Living,

Betty’s Signature
💙 Betty Vosters-Kemp, BC-HIS
Owner, Avalon Hearing Aid Centers, Inc.
Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist

P.S. Next week, I’m going to share more about teddy bears and the concept of REFRAMING! Talking about sharing; would you be willing to forward this email to someone you know who is struggling with their hearing or their hearing aids? I would greatly appreciate it!!!

Avalon Hearing Aid Centers, Inc.
1260 Fulton Avenue, Ste B,
Sacramento, CA 95825

Avalon Hearing Aid Centers, Inc.
8146 Greenback Lane, Ste 100,
Fair Oaks, CA 95628

(916) 235-9771

Avalon Hearing Aids Center, Inc.