Walking  Hearing for Your Health

This past week, I put on my running shoes and walked four times. I walked when I was tired. I walked when my knees hurt, and I felt stiff. I walked when the sunlight beckoned me outdoors. I walked by myself and I walked with a friend.

I also walked into my doctor’s office at Kaiser Permanente for my annual check-up and discovered a small pad of paper, the size of a prescription pad that stated:

the Walking Rx

I ripped off the ‘prescription’ as a reminder to myself to walk, but what I read on the other side, blew my mind. I knew that walking is good for you but did not know how good!

Walk 150 minutes a week to decrease chances of:

  • Type 2 Diabetes ⬇ 58% (with 7% weight loss)
  • Depression ⬇ 47%
  • Breast cancer ⬇ 20%
  • Colon cancer ⬇ 30%
  • Heart disease ⬇ 30%
  • Stroke ⬇ 25%
  • Stress and anxiety ⬇ 30%
  • Insomnia ⬇ 40%
  • Significantly decreases: Some Cancer Recurrence, Osteoporosis,
    Fatigue, Alzheimer’s, and Dementia

Then, I looked up some quotes about walking because quotes often inspire me:

“Walking is man’s best medicine.” ~Hippocrates
“Walking brings me back to myself.” ~Laurette Mortimer
“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” ~John Muir
“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” ~Henry David Thoreau

Dont Stop Walking

For those of you who have a hard time walking, here are some quotes for you:

“One step at a time is good walking.” ~ Proverb
“I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

A true story that inspires me even more
One morning while driving, I spotted a man with an unforgettable hat. I knew I recognized that Tilley hat. Under that hat was my 89-year, old client, James, walking down Elvas Avenue at 7:20 am. He was using a walker. Talking about serendipity, James had an appointment for his 4-month check-up later that morning with me. When he came in, I asked James if that was him walking down Elvas so early in the morning. He proudly responded, “Yes! I try and walk one mile every morning and then another mile in the afternoon. I promised my wife and daughter that I would take a walker with me, just in case.” James is definitely getting his 150 minutes of walking in every week!

Equally important is exercising your ears and your brain
I like to think of properly fit hearing aids as exercise machines for your ears and your brain. Adults with untreated hearing loss experience a 30-40% faster decline in cognitive abilities. People with even mild hearing loss (25dB) are 3X more likely to have falling episodes. Every 10 decibels of hearing loss, increases that chance of falling by 1.4 times. People with a mild loss are twice as likely to develop dementia. This increases to 3X more likely to develop dementia with a moderate hearing loss and 5X more likely with a severe hearing loss. Don’t walk around with untreated hearing loss! It truly is bad for your health and well-being, not to mention your relationships.

These statistics should have you WALK into Avalon to get your hearing checked
When was the last time you had your hearing tested? Doctors recommend that you have your hearing tested, annually, once you reach 60 years of age.

For our Avalon clients, you know that we test your hearing regularly. If you experience any changes in your hearing, we reprogram your hearing aids so that you can hear the best you can for life, your life, right now, and for years to come! That way we keep your brain and your ears stimulated, and you as healthy as possible. If you haven’t had your hearing tested in the last year, would you please schedule your Free EDUCATIONAL Hearing Test & Consultation today!