Dear Friend of Avalon,
I find myself thinking a lot about the concept of Rites of Passage over the past few weeks. You see, my son, Christopher, is getting married next weekend! You may remember him as he worked at Avalon for a couple of years.
A Rite of Passage is defined as a ritual, event, or experience that marks or constitutes a major milestone or change in a person’s life. There are many different Rites of Passage in different cultures, religions, and societies around the world.
It has been described as the movement within a house of many rooms and corridors. A person moves from one room to another.
Some of the most common and universal Rites of Passage include birth, coming of age, marriage, retirement, and death. But there are numerous other passages including first day of school, graduation, getting engaged, retirement parties, etc.
My personal belief is that this movement from one room, down a corridor into another room is a big deal for people, and in our society, we don’t acknowledge these changes or honor them nearly enough.
As I read the literature on the Rites of Passage, it occurred to me that coming to terms with gradual hearing loss deserves to be acknowledged and honored as a passage from one room into another room in one’s life.
I would venture to say that so many people struggle with hearing loss (even after getting hearing aids) because they don’t ever really get to come to terms with the emotional and psychological effects of losing their hearing.
I also believe that the way we work with and serve people with hearing loss at Avalon, gives people the space and opportunity to come to terms with the complexity of hearing loss.
First of all, we do NOT do a typical hearing test at Avalon.
We do six extra tests that most clinics and retail stores don’t do. We also take an EDUCATIONAL approach to your hearing care. Only then, can you start to understand and come to terms with your own unique hearing loss.
We ADOPT you into the Avalon Family
When you choose Avalon for your hearing care, we adopt you! That’s because we are a relationship-based hearing care practice. As our world gets more and more transactional, impersonal, and lonely, we commit even more to putting relationship, first.
Avalon ALWAYSCare Program ensures that you keep hearing the best you can for life
We will set up your next appointment to return to Avalon Hearing regularly to stay on top of your hearing care. That’s because your hearing can change. Hearing aids get faulty and need regular cleaning and servicing. Last but not least, you, the human being, go through changes in your life that warrant extra care and attention.
You might say that we walk with you from one room to another. Because no one should do their hearing loss journey, alone. It takes a village!
If you or someone you know is struggling with their hearing and needs some care and attention, please contact Avalon and make an appointment, today.
P.S. Next week, I won’t be talking much about hearing care. I’ll be sharing all of the joy of Christopher’s Rite of Passage. I am so excited because my three sisters and their families will be coming from Canada to be part of this Rite of Passage.
My 93-year old, Mom will not be able to make the journey but she said that she will be standing right behind Christopher and Shannon during their ceremony, in spirit, supporting them as they enter this new stage in life. Thank you, Mom!