Dear Friend of Avalon,

This week, I want to tell you a touching story about one of my clients. Touching for her, her son and daughter, and for me. I hope it touches you, too.

I had not seen Elaine for eight months. She had missed her last 4-month checkup in April because of the coronavirus pandemic. She desperately needed to come in because she was not hearing well. Elaine was afraid that she might have lost most of her hearing in her left ear. Her life had become so isolated in the past several months that she felt resigned about her hearing, and incredibly sad about life.

Elaine is an active, social human being. Her husband died two years ago so she valued the company of her friends and her church groups. It was rare for her not to go out on a daily basis. Then, sheltering-in-place happened, and life as we knew it, stopped. Her health took a turn for the worse, and something as simple as a phone call with a friend turned into frustration and disconnection because of her worsening hearing loss.

We Started with an EDUCATIONAL Hearing Test
The last time I tested Elaine, she was getting 92% clarity with her three-year-old hearing aids. One year later, she was only getting 56%. Something was definitely wrong. I gave her a thorough hearing test, and sure enough, her hearing had dropped by 10 decibels. The good news was she had not completely lost her hearing in the left ear as she had feared. The left hearing aid microphones were plugged up and needed a good vacuuming. That was an easy fix.

Resigned About Your Hearing

I, then, reprogrammed her hearing aids to match her current loss. Elaine’s eyes literally lit up when she put on her freshly cleaned and reprogrammed hearing instruments. It was like she had been plugged back into life!

Then, her son said something critical
Elaine’s son and daughter had accompanied her to the appointment at Avalon, which was great. You see, a hearing problem is a family problem, and the best hearing solution involves a family solution.

Just last week, one of my newest clients requested a FAMILY APPOINTMENT so that I could explain her hearing loss to her husband and two adult children, AND educate them on what they could do to be part of the solution for easier communication. What an amazing appointment that was for this entire family! Everyone left with more understanding and compassion for one another.

Resigned About Your Hearing

Now, back to Elaine!
Her son said, “Mom, maybe now you’ll hear better on the phone and start talking to your friends again.” I asked Elaine if she had an amplified phone, which she does, but her son interjected and said that his mom uses an iPhone for all of her long-distance calls. She was only understanding half of what was said, so she had pretty much given up reaching out to lifelong friends by phone. How incredibly sad, especially during the pandemic.

Demonstrating the iPhone Compatible Hearing Instruments
Now, my eyes lit up! I had an idea that could change Elaine’s life for the better! I asked Elaine if she would like to listen to something miraculous. I programmed a set of our latest hearing technology, the Starkey LIVIO™, for her. Immediately, she noticed that the Livio’s sounded more natural and clearer.

Resigned About Your Hearing

But here’s the BEST Part
I asked Elaine to hand me her iPhone. She looked puzzled but trusted me because we have been together for 12 years. I paired the Livio hearing aids to her iPhone and asked her daughter to step out of the room and call her Mom. A minute later, Elaine’s iPhone rang and she answered her phone, which now delivered her daughter’s voice to BOTH OF HER EARS with immense clarity!

Elaine’s eyes welled up with tears, and then, she started laughing with joy. In that moment, her world had opened up! Needless to say, her kids encouraged her to invest in this new technology. I deliver the new iPhone compatible hearing aids to Elaine next week.

Here’s your Avalon Challenge for this week!
If you are concerned that your hearing may be changing or that you are not hearing as well as you used to with your current hearing aids, please call us at (916) 235-9771 and book an appointment for us to test your hearing. Together, we’ll get you hearing and understanding more clearly. Your hearing aids may simply need a thorough cleaning and a reprogramming. And if you are interested in listening to the newest technology with an iPhone, we’ll arrange a demonstration for you…because hearing is believing!

And remember, you are part of the Avalon Family, and we are committed to helping you hear the best you can…for life!

Yours for CONNECTED Hearing & Living,

💙Betty Vosters-Kemp, BC-HIS
Owner, Avalon Hearing Aid Centers, Inc.
Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist

P.S. Some of you are thinking, “I don’t have an iPhone, and besides, I’m too old to get into smartphones. It’s too complicated.” Well, I have a client who is always looking for better technology for his profound hearing loss. Bill went out and bought an iPhone for his 92nd birthday! (Up until then, he was using a flip phone.) The iPhone compatible hearing aids changed his life. Bill travels a lot by himself and seeks out a Denny’s restaurant when coming into a new town. Now, he simply pushes a button and asks Siri to direct him to the nearest Denny’s. Life just became a lot easier and more fun for Bill!