Open hearing aids are gaining popularity, and Starkey has some of their own. Open hearing aids are often referred to as RIC, or Receiver In the Canal, hearing aids. The open design of the receiver allows for a more natural sound and less opportunity for moisture and wax to collect on the inner ear parts.

Starkey has two BTE models with RIC open technology. The mini-RIC and the standard RIC both offer the convenience and comfort of the open ear design. The mini is about one third smaller than the standard size, which makes it less likely to be noticed.

Both models are for people who have mild to severe hearing loss. Starkey makes it more fun to wear a hearing aid, as these two models and many others come in twelve different color choices varying from natural skin tones to pinks, purples, red and blue.

Patients can first choose which model they would prefer, and the technology they would like installed into the hearing aids. Then they can pick their color or colors and accessories, should they decide they want any.

Starkey ensures that your hearing aids are the most comfortable they can be. They guarantee parts and service for a limited time, but your hearing aid provider can fill you in on the details.

If you want to see or try on Starkey’s versions of the BTE open hearing aids, you can visit your local hearing instrument specialist for an initial consultation, or just as a follow up to ask about these hearing aid options from Starkey. Both the hearing aid provider and your hearing instrument specialist can provide you with hearing aid advice and hearing aid help.