At Avalon Hearing Centers, we’ve been one of the leading hearing health and hearing aid providers in the greater Sacramento community for 23 years. We realize that a vast number of people are curious about hearing aids— along with other tools and tips to help deal with hearing loss. After all, hearing loss affects us ALL at one point or another in our lives. The ability to hear sounds on the high end of the register begins to deteriorate after age 25.

Such natural hearing loss is usually combined with life experiences that have made natural hearing loss worse. Things like working in a loud environment over a long period of time or being near a loud explosion or gunshot without ear protection, can cause additional hearing loss. Even if you don’t have a significant amount of loss, chances are a loved one does.

To help inform the community about hearing loss solutions that can improve their quality of life, Avalon Hearing Centers sponsors regularly scheduled, free educational seminars, hosted by the hearing center’s founder, noted author and columnist, Betty Vosters-Kemp.

Do you have just a little hearing loss and wonder if an aid would help you enjoy relationships, music and daily life more? Is hearing loss impairing the life of a loved one, who doesn’t want to admit there is a problem? Don’t allow the frustration and misunderstandings caused by hearing loss strain your relationships. Don’t become isolated or allow others to suffer needlessly when there are many solutions readily available to assist you. You can learn to live with hearing loss successfully with the help of these informative and supportive seminars.

Technology has advanced so that many aids and hearing accessories are all but invisible. No one need know you’re wearing an aid. Don’t allow old information or misconceptions to discourage you from seeking hearing aid information. You’ll be surprised at all the options available today. “Making do” is NOT the best answer.

At Avalon Hearing’s seminars you’ll:

Learn simple tips to deal with hearing loss. Get advice to help reduce the anxiety of hearing loss, whether you’re a current hearing aid user or if you’re considering it. Hone communication and listening skills. Learn about the latest hearing devices and technology. Meet some of our dedicated hearing specialists for hearing aid help.

Help us to achieve our goal— to eliminate the confusion and unnecessary stigma of hearing loss.
Knowing your options is a good thing! We cordially invite you to attend one of our upcoming classes. Attend on your own or bring along your friends and family. Visit our website to see the latest schedule of upcoming classes.