How to Write Your Own Headlines

It’s Tuesday and today, I seem to have very few words to share with you. 

This past weekend, I took two long walks with a dear friend. On Saturday, we walked in silence most of the time. On Sunday, we chatted the entire time, sharing our thoughts and stories. I treasure this kind of friendship where we feel equally comfortable whether we have a little or a lot to say. The bottom line is that we are together!

Winnie Walking Silently with Pooh

Some Sound Advice from my Oma

One of my Dutch Oma’s (grandmother) used to tell me that if you need to have an important or difficult conversation with someone, go for a walk with them. That way, you are both moving (not stuck in your body or in your opinions), and you are moving in the same direction. Wise words from a very wise woman!

Some More Wisdom from a Wise Man

I came across this article on social media (author unknown), and knew I had to share it with you! 

Sometimes, I just want to stop. Stop talking about COVID, protests, looting, brutality, politics. I lose my way. Become convinced that this ‘new normal’ is real life.

But, then, I meet an 87-year old who talks about living through polio, diphtheria, Vietnam, protests, and yet, is still enchanted with life. He seemed surprised when I said that 2020 must be especially challenging for him. “No,” he said slowly, looking me straight in the eyes. “A long time ago, I learned to not see the world through the printed headlines. I see the world through the people that surround me. I see the world with the realization that we love BIG. 

Therefore, I just choose to write my own headlines. 

“Husband loves wife, today.”
“Family drops everything to come to Grandma’s bedside.” 

Then, he patted my hand and added a new headline, 

“Old man makes a new friend.”

His words collide with my worries, freeing them from the tether I had been holding tight. My worries float away. I am left with a renewed spirit. My headline now reads,

“Woman overwhelmed by the spirit of kindness and the reminder that our capacity to love is never ending.”

Talking about being overwhelmed by someone’s kindness…

A member of our Avalon Family recently emailed me. I have changed her name to keep her anonymity so let’s call her Gisela. Her story touches me deeply and needs to be shared!

Dear Betty
I am always looking forward to your stories. They are true and beautiful. They help me with my loneliness. I started printing them and drop them off at a friend’s house. She does not have a computer and has a hard time understanding what is going on in the world. She has a mild case of dementia. She waits a while until I am back home. Then, she calls and we talk about the  letter. Thank you so much and don’t stop.

Greetings and stay safe,


Still Enchanted with Life? Take the Avalon Challenge!

I love these words. Still enchanted with life! 

Taking the advice of seeing the world through the people that surround us, what might your headlines be, today? 

Challenge #2:  Would you be willing to share this email with one of your friends as Gisela does?

Sharing stories, walking in silence, being together, reminds me that life still can be enchanting, if I let it!

Yours for CONNECTED Hearing & Living,


P.S.  Talking about sharing, I am excited to tell you that we now have a simple way for you to share your experience of Avalon.  Simply go to: and share your experience. So many of you found us because someone told you about Avalon! 

We never know the difference we make for another human being.  (Thank you, Gisela!)