Hearing Aid Adoption
No Matter Where You Bought Your Hearing Aids, Avalon Can Help.
Unhappy With Your Provider Or Your Hearing Aid Experience?
See why hundreds of patients have found Avalon Hearing to be a far more committed, caring and experienced hearing aid provider than the traditional medical or retail model of hearing aid dispensers. We are committed to YOU for the long haul, which means ensuring your hearing test is the absolute best test of your life, we even perform six extra tests that most providers do not do.
Sacramento's Best Hearing Care
We are in the business of helping you hear the best you can, now and for years to come! We believe that your hearing care involves so much more than just buying hearing aids. Coming to terms with a gradual hearing loss takes time. So we take the time you deserve to educate you about your unique hearing loss. Then, we take even more time to learn all we can about you, your lifestyle and your special hearing requirements. In this fast-paced world, where everyone is so busy, where everything is so technical and computer-driven, people often forget about the human touch. From your very first visit to Avalon, you’ll experience a warmer, more personal approach.
New Life For Your Hearing Aids
Get a free Second Opinion on your Hearing Aids with Avalon Hearing. We will clean, service and test your hearing aid for any regular issues that cause poor performance. Next, we’ll run a series of hearing tests to ensure the programming is matched to your hearing loss. With Avalon, you will have a competent hearing healthcare provider who knows how to modify and adjust hearing instruments when you have problems, not just when you buy them. We encourage you to visit us as often as you need to get the perfect fit for your hearing aids.
When It’s Time To Switch Providers
Poor Testing Standards
Low Availability
Poor Experience
Not Personable
Programming Difficulty
Trust Problems
Just had another great experience at Avalon Hearing Aid Center. I was introduced to Alan Mateer, who took great care of me. Alan is a very nice young man who knows what he is doing, and I left the office with a smile of success. I can’t emphasize the importance of good hearing health. Avalon has been taking care of me for 8 years now.
This is hearing aid service at the highest levels. They carry best quality Starkey products, which update with the latest innovations. The staff at AVALON are super smart and friendly, from the people who call for appointment reminders to the audiologists. In solving my hearing problems, they really game me MY LIFE BACK! At work as a teacher, I could hear and understand my students again, and at home, I could finally understand my precious family.
The ONLY place to go for hearing aids! My goodness; the overwhelming care, kindness, thoroughness, explaining of the process can’t be over stated. Once one becomes a client, one is adopted by this staff! Hearing aids are checked and cleaned regularly at no more charge. Hearing is tested, ears checked and any issues are resolved. They KNOW each and every client as a family member!
Getting Started is Easy
Free 20 Min Chat
Give us a call and tell us about your situation. This will help us decide if we just need to do a quick cleaning, or schedule time for a hearing test.
Book Appointment
Join us at our lovely Sacramento hearing aid center. We provide coffee, tea and plenty of hospitality at our humble offices. With Avalon, you are family.
1st Session!
A hearing aid cleaning and servicing takes about 15 minutes to clean and test. Once we get a clear picture of your hearing aid performance, we’ll take the next step.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my insurance is linked to my old provider?
We work with plenty of Kaiser, Sutter, UC Davis
I bought my hearing aids somewhere else, does that matter?
This is the focus of our adoption plan. No matter where or when you bought your hearing aids, we want to help you find the best hearing solution you can. We hope that you will find a trusted provider in Avalon.
Will you reprogram my hearing aids?
We work with
What’s the catch? Are you going to sell me new hearing aids?
Our free hearing aid cleaning, free educational hearing test and a free second opinion on your hearing loss situation is part of our commitment to help as many people as possible. There is no catch or obligation to work with Avalon Hearing, but we hope that you will see what sets apart from other providers and choose to continue working with Avalon for all your hearing needs.