Hearing Loss Coping Styles of Spouses Part II

Last month, we discussed how people with hearing loss learn to cope with their hearing impairment. Although each person goes through their own process of coming to terms with hearing loss, there are generalities that can be made about people’s coping strategies....

Hearing Loss Isn’t for the Old

From the moment we are born we depend on our hearing. It is the building block of communication and an essential tool to our survival. Yet, as we age, we are confronted with the harsh reality that things just aren’t running as smoothly as they used to. The loss...

Untreated Hearing Loss: The True Cost

In 1998, the National Council on Aging conducted the largest survey ever to determine the effects of hearing loss on older Americans. Over 4000 hearing-impaired people (both users and non-users of hearing instruments) and their families were surveyed. Untreated...

Coping Styles of People with Hearing Loss Part I

The average American waits seven to ten years before getting the help they need for their hearing loss. Countless misunderstandings occur. Communication breaks down. Frustration escalates. Relationships suffer. Precious time is lost. Each and every person has to go...

A GOOD Hearing Test: What You Should Expect

Meet Henry. Henry’s hearing loss was discovered at the age of 57. He was fitted with hearing aids and wore them part-time for about two years. They helped him in quiet listening situations but were a real bother to wear in noisy situations. And that’s where he had...