Aug 17, 2012 | Hearing Loss Tips
In the 22 years that I wrote the ALLEARS column for Senior Magazine, I had never featured a specific brand or type of hearing instrument. I have always discussed hearing aids, in general. That’s about to change. I have been in the hearing healthcare field for 32...
Aug 16, 2012 | Hearing Loss Tips
High pitch hearing loss is inevitable. One of the lesser-known facts of life is that human beings naturally begin to lose high-pitch hearing at about age 25. You could think of this in a more optimistic way: young people have extraordinarily good high-pitch hearing....
Jul 27, 2012 | Hearing Loss Tips
The number one complaint hearing aid wearers have today is that their aids don’t work well in noisy situations. In past articles, we explained why it is so frustrating to understand in background noise and, how the anatomy of one’s hearing system determines how well...
Jul 26, 2012 | Hearing Loss Tips
Only last week, I had a delicious meal at a local restaurant but the frustration of trying to have a conversation with my friends overshadowed the meal. I will not return to that restaurant because of the loud music and poor acoustics.The number one complaint people...
Jun 30, 2012 | Avalon Hearing
How do you know if you are working with the right hearing healthcare provider? After your hearing evaluation, go over these 6 important tips. A competent and caring provider will go over all of these points with you. If they don’t, you should get a second opinion and...
Jun 30, 2012 | Hearing Loss Tips
Communication is the foundation of any relationship. When it breaks down, for whatever reason, everyone loses. If you or your loved one are dealing with a communication breakdown due to hearing loss, there are things you can do to ease your frustrations. You...
May 24, 2012 | Hearing Loss Tips
Last month, we discussed how people with hearing loss learn to cope with their hearing impairment. Although each person goes through their own process of coming to terms with hearing loss, there are generalities that can be made about people’s coping strategies....
May 17, 2012 | Hearing Loss Tips
From the moment we are born we depend on our hearing. It is the building block of communication and an essential tool to our survival. Yet, as we age, we are confronted with the harsh reality that things just aren’t running as smoothly as they used to. The loss...
Apr 29, 2012 | Hearing Loss Tips
Husband: I hear what I want to hear. Wife: My husband hears fine whenever he wants. He just doesn’t want to very often. Husband: I hear my wife but I wasn’t paying attention. I was concentrating on something else. Wife: He tunes me out more and more....
Apr 28, 2012 | Hearing Loss Tips
In 1998, the National Council on Aging conducted the largest survey ever to determine the effects of hearing loss on older Americans. Over 4000 hearing-impaired people (both users and non-users of hearing instruments) and their families were surveyed. Untreated...