Want to hear better?

(916) 235-9771

Are You Part
of the Avalon

Dear Avalon family,

This week’s Take Heart is about family.  We were all born into a family. For some of us, family is the source of joy and connection.  For some of us, family is a source of pain, disappointment and disconnection. And for most of us, family is somewhere in between these two descriptions.

As we mature and age, many of us create families in other aspects of our lives. We may not refer to our social, spiritual, or work communities as family but I like to think of those groups as a form of family. Having a sense of family is important for our emotional and mental wellbeing.

In today’s world, where we have so much access to information and technology, ironically, there is a growing crisis of isolation and loneliness. Add a hearing loss and that sense of isolation and loneliness can feel more intense.

I am immensely grateful for family. I love creating families and connections. In fact, Avalon is built on the foundation that we all need to connect.  We all need to belong. Therefore, we are a relationship-based hearing care practice.

My heart is full and overflowing with joy…

I just got back from a 5-day vacation with my three younger sisters, Connie, Laurie and Linda.  We met in Cancun and spent time together enjoying 80° weather, relaxing, laughing and being silly! It was exactly what each one of us needed, just four months after our mother’s passing.

Why am I telling you this story?

Because I am aware of how much we really need other people. We may be strong and self-sufficient and also human and vulnerable. We all need to be cared for and loved. That human connection makes a tremendous difference.

WHO is caring for you and your hearing?

In the last three editions of Take Heart, I have shared the importance of investing wisely in your hearing care. I even told you NOT to buy hearing aids. Yes, that’s right.  Just buying hearing aids is NOT the solution to treating your hearing loss. It’s part of the solution but not the entire solution. In fact, people who approach their hearing care much like buying a television are usually disappointed with hearing aids. Don’t let that happen to you, please.

WHO do you choose for your hearing care?

The most important aspect of successfully treating your hearing loss is choosing the right hearing care provider. The right provider knows and respects that no two people are alike, and no two hearing losses are alike. The right provider will take the extra time to do thorough testing and get to know you as a person. This is where it begins.

At Avalon, we do so much more. We provide an EDUCATIONAL Hearing Test which informs and involves you in every aspect of your hearing care. The initial testing, choosing the best technology for you and the delivery of your hearing aids, all matter. But where your investment in your hearing care becomes a wise investment is in the aftercare.

Aftercare is where the rubber meets the road in your hearing care.

Too many practices and retail stores tell you to call if you have any trouble.  But how do you know if you are having any trouble? At Avalon, we know how critical ongoing support is for you as you journey through life with hearing loss. We see you several times in the first 60 days of being fit with new hearing technology to get you hearing the best you can. Once you are doing well and are comfortable wearing hearing aids, we graduate you to regular check-ups for you and your hearing aids. We adopt you into the Avalon family!

Avalon’s ALWAYSCare Program – never leave without your appointment to come back.

On average, Avalon clients return every four months for a check-up. At these appointments, we determine if you have any concerns about your hearing or your hearing aids. Your hearing aids are then cleaned and serviced. We check for software updates on your devices and, make adjustments to improve your clarity when needed.

67% of clients tell us that they hear more clearly after an Avalon check-up.

Two out of three people tell me that they are doing fine with their hearing aids. When I return their cleaned and serviced hearing aids to them, they exclaim, “WOW, that sounds clearer!” Most people are unaware that their hearing aids may not be working optimally. That’s why you come in a few times a year. We are committed to keeping you hearing the best you can for life, your life, now and for years to come!

The moral of this story is that investing wisely in your hearing care involves a long-term relationship with a committed hearing care provider. Meet the Avalon team of heart-centered, competent, and caring Hearing Care Providers:

If you don’t have an appointment to return to Avalon for your regular ALWAYSCare check-up OR you have yet to have your EDUCATIONAL Hearing Test and Consultation this year, please call (916) 235-9771 to schedule your complimentary appointment, today.

Yours for CONNECTED Hearing & Living,

Betty Vosters Kemp, BC-HIS
The Hearing Lady with Heart
Owner, Avalon Hearing Aid Centers, Inc.
Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist

P.S.  I recently met a ‘hearing aid ORPHAN’. She was told by her original provider that they no longer serviced her hearing aid as it was too old. She was informed that she would have to buy new hearing aids. She was very disappointed in her provider so she looked online and found Avalon. She called and scheduled an appointment within three days. Not three weeks or three months like most places. 

I tested her hearing, cleaned and serviced her hearing aids, and reprogrammed them. In just over an hour, she was hearing more clearly.  She chose to invest in Avalon’s ADOPTION Program and has found her new home for her hearing healthcare!  She became part of the Avalon Family!!!

Avalon Hearing Aid Centers, Inc.
1260 Fulton Avenue, Ste B,
Sacramento, CA 95825

Avalon Hearing Aid Centers, Inc.
8146 Greenback Lane, Ste 100,
Fair Oaks, CA 95628